NEW! The bulk upload feature is now available on Tourbox! It allows you to add multiple future tour dates for your artist.
Follow these 5 steps once you're logged in to Tourbox:
- Download the CSV template (Available once you click the Upload button on your artist page)
- Please complete ALL FIELD REQUIREMENTS as stated on the template. If field requirements aren't met, we'll have to reject your file and no dates will be processed.
- ATE, VENUE, CITY & COUNTRY must be included
- Date*: Date of the event. Use the following format: YYYY-MM-DD
- Venue*: Name of the venue (as listed in the Songkick database). NOT the event or festival name.
- ONE headline artist per CSV. Include their Songkick artist ID in the file name. LINEUP: Name of the other artists in the lineup for the event; separated by commas.
- TICKET LINK must be an approved whitelisted vendor in our system. No short URLs.
If you don't want your events to go live immediately, make sure to fill in the following columns to schedule your publishing.
- PUBLISH DATE: The date on which the event should be published on Songkick (YYYY-MM-DD).
- PUBLISH TIME: The time on the 'Publish Date' when the event should be published on Songkick (HH:MM AM/PM).
- PUBLISH TIMEZONE: The timezone of 'Publish Time'. e.g. "America/New_York". Must be in the standard database form as shown in 'TZ database name' column here.
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